My Northwestern Direction
In the My Northwestern Direction essay, Northwestern Magazine highlights the diverse paths our alumni, students, faculty and staff have taken and explores the many ways the University intersects with their lives.
Shonali Ditz’s time in Northwestern Formula Racing led her to found SparkShop, a nonprofit delivering engineering curricula to Chicago students underrepresented in STEM.

One Acre at a Time

To Find the Truth, Cut Through the Noise

Democracy Depends on Inclusive Education

My Story Is Sharing Black Stories

A New Citizen Finally at Home

An Uncommon Recipe for Success

Using Small Science to Solve Big Problems

Multiple Perspectives Lead to Better Research

Physics Education Fuels Passion to Help and Teach

Silver Linings from a Pandemic Graduation

Deep Listening Reveals Shared Humanity

Acting Classes Guide Film Editor

Editor Highlights the Power of Social Justice Journalism

On Board with STEM

On Becoming a Teacher — and a Poet

Medill Professor Was My Guiding Light

All Roads Point to Northwestern

Set for Life

Northwestern Teaches Anything Is Possible

From One Revolution to Another

Partnerships Make Transformation Possible

Finding Harmony in Different Voices

‘Toxic’ Artist Makes Paint from Sludge

The Power of Difficult Conversations