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The recipients of the 2020 Northwestern Alumni Medal — the Northwestern Alumni Association’s highest honor — are innovators in their fields, compassionate volunteers and outstanding members of the University community.

Read more about the Northwestern Alumni Medal recipients

alumni medalist belk
In mid-March the University’s financial aid team began receiving a plethora of requests from undergraduate, graduate and professional school students in need of emergency financial assistance. Many needed help with unexpected travel costs, while the majority sought assistance to upgrade computers, internet service or other technology for remote learning.

Read more about the University's financial assistance

student on laptop recrop
For nearly half a century, Shep Shanley has been introducing Northwestern to prospective students around the globe. And honestly, he says, in 49 years the job hasn’t changed much.

Read about Shep Shanley

shep shanley
Members of the Class of 2020 from across the University reflect on their Northwestern experience in their own words.

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From Ruth Bader Ginsburg to John McCain, we’ve collected highlights from some of the best Northwestern Commencement addresses.

Read the Commencement highlights

wynton marsalis
The Northwestern Prison Education Program is a partnership between Northwestern and the Illinois Department of Corrections that grants college credit through the University’s School of Professional Studies and in collaboration with Oakton Community College. Upon fulfillment of course requirements, NPEP students are eligible to earn an associate degree.

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prison education classrooom opener
In 2017 Howard Trienens gave $20 million to transform Trienens Hall, the indoor turf field he helped fund with a leadership gift in 1996, into a world-class developmental facility for Wildcats volleyball, baseball, softball, and men’s and women’s basketball teams. Northwestern Athletics and Recreation celebrated Trienens’ decades of service to and support for Northwestern at the November 2019 dedication.

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Trienens Performance Center Volleyball Court
The Northwestern golf community celebrated the generosity of University Trustee Eric Gleacher ’62 and his wife, Paula, at the November 2019 dedication of the newly renovated Gleacher Golf Center — a premier player development facility for student-athletes.

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Eric Gleacher
To help provide students with easy access to medication and other personal care items, a team of entrepreneurs created MedKit Solutions. Pre-med seniors Matthew Urban and Chris Holland, both neuroscience majors, developed the concept with Feinberg School of Medicine first-year student Ashorne Mahenthiran ’19.

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It was a century and a half ago that women were first given the opportunity to enroll at Northwestern as undergraduates. To mark the 150th anniversary of coeducation we are championing our remarkable community of individuals, who have taken risks, charted their own course and inspired change throughout our history and today.

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150 years of women at northwestern