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Researchers found that a group of middle-aged women looked about three years younger after they followed a 20-week facial exercise program.

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Louis Danowsky and Sam Wolsk first met in high school in the New Jersey All-State Jazz Ensemble, but their musical partnership took root at Northwestern. That partnership led to their debut album, Coalescence, and a performance at a high-profile New York club.

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On the Upswing

Spring 2018
Senior Hannah Kim shoots for more records as her storied wildcats career draws to a close.

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Each year, international travelers return stateside with an average of $34.82 in unused foreign cash — that is, if they haven’t already spent it on useless airport trinkets. The total discarded foreign currency in the United States amounts to an astounding $1.56 billion, with $96 million passing through the city of Chicago alone.

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The first genetic mutation that appears to protect against multiple aspects of biological aging, including Type 2 diabetes, has been discovered in a community of Amish living in rural Berne, Ind., according to Northwestern scientists. Indiana Amish kindred (immediate family and relatives) with the mutation live more than 10 percent longer and have lower fasting insulin levels than individuals without the mutation.

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