In Memoriam
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James Schadt ’60, Vero Beach, Fla., Feb. 3, at age 82. A Northwestern life trustee, Schadt came to the University in 1956 on a swimming scholarship. He and his wife, Barbara Soldmann Schadt ’60, created the James P. and Barbara S. Schadt Swimming Scholarship. James Schadt served on the Northwestern Board of Trustees’ development, alumni relations and steering committees. He was also a founding member of the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Board of Visitors. Schadt started his career in brand management at Procter & Gamble before becoming president and CEO of London-based Cadbury Schweppes Beverages. He later became the first American to serve on Cadbury Schweppes’ board of directors. Eventually, he became chairman and CEO of the Reader’s Digest Association (now Trusted Media Brands) before retiring in the 1990s. Schadt is survived by his wife, his children, Lauren Schadt Baker ’83, ’86 MBA and Andrew Schadt ’87, ’95 MBA, four grandchildren, and two brothers.

James B. Burns ’67, ’71 JD, Chicago, Dec. 11, 2020, at age 75. A basketball star, Burns was one of Northwestern’s top scorers and earned third-team All-America honors in his senior year. After a brief pro basketball stint with the Chicago Bulls and the Dallas Chaparrals, Burns graduated from the Northwestern School of Law. In 1993 President Bill Clinton appointed Burns as U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, a post he held for four years. In 2000 Burns was appointed inspector general by the Illinois Secretary of State, a position he held for the rest of his life. Burns remained an active member of the Northwestern community, serving on the Board of Trustees and the Visiting Committee of the School of Law. He received a Northwestern Alumni Association Service Award and Alumni Merit Award. Burns is survived by his wife, Martha, and three children.

L. Edward Bryant Jr. ’63, ’67, JD, Evanston, Sept. 20, age 78. An avid supporter of student journalism and former opinion writer for the Daily Northwestern, Bryant served on the board of the Students Publishing Company, the Daily’s governing body for 48 years. He was an influential supporter of the Daily’s transition to a digital business model. Bryant worked as a partner at Gardner Carton & Douglas, where he founded the firm’s health law department in 1979 and won numerous awards for his work in the field. He served on the faculty of the Kellogg School of Management and Loyola University Chicago’s School of Law. A Northwestern football season ticket holder since 1963, Bryant is survived by three daughters, Laura, Diane and Emily; two grandchildren, Sydney and Miles; and brothers Mike, Tom and Jim.
Credit: Loyola University Chicago School of Law

Charles Lippincott ’61, Vermont, May 19, age 80. A pioneering publicist, Lippincott is credited with helping transform George Lucas’ original Star Wars film into a legendary worldwide brand. After switching from law school to film school, he met Lucas at the University of Southern California, and in 1975 he joined Lucasfilm as vice president of advertising, publicity, promotion and merchandising. Before the 1977 release of Star Wars (later subtitled Episode IV: A New Hope), he attracted the interest of science fiction and comic book fans with a presentation at the San Diego Comic-Con and a series with Marvel Comics. In addition to advocating for individual character trademarks, Lippincott arranged to feature the Star Wars brand on television as part of The Richard Pryor Show and in a now-infamous CBS holiday special. He left Lucas’ team after the first film, going on to promote movies such as Alien and Flash Gordon and to produce Judge Dredd. Lippincott is survived by his wife, Geraldine, and a sister, Janet.
Photo: Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

John LaPlante ’62 MS, Chicago, March 22, 2020, age 80. The first commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation, LaPlante enjoyed a 30-year career with the city, which included helping straighten Lake Shore Drive’s S-curve in 1982 as chief traffic engineer. His work in Chicago continued with the engineering services firm T.Y. Lin International, where he retired in 2015 as director of traffic engineering. Recipient of the 2010 Theodore M. Matson Memorial Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, LaPlante was principal author of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Pedestrian Guide. He is survived by his wife, Linda; daughter, Leslie; and two grandchildren, Elias and Sara.

John F. Carney III ’64 MS, ’66 PhD, Cambridge, Mass., April 24, at age 77. An expert on highway safety, Carney designed and developed impact attenuation devices, or crash cushions, that help reduce the impact of auto accidents. He also worked to improve safety on passenger trains. Carney held 10 patents and chaired the executive committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ highway division. From 2005 to 2011 he was chancellor of Missouri University of Science and Technology, where he led a name change to improve the institution’s reputation. Earlier in his career, Carney was provost and vice president for academic affairs at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He is survived by his partner, Sarah; daughters Anna and Catherine; four grandchildren; and a sister, Judith.

Oswald P. Bronson ’65 PhD, Port Orange, Fla., Feb. 17, 2019, at age 91. A dedicated educator, Bronson served as president of Bethune-Cookman College from 1975 to 2004. (The institution became a university in 2007.) Under his leadership, the college expanded its programs of study from 12 to 37 majors and constructed 15 new buildings, most notably the 2,500-seat Mary McLeod Bethune Performing Arts Center. The Bethune-Cookman alumnus oversaw a 950% increase in the school’s endowment, and enrollment increased from 1,520 students in 1975 to 2,794 in 2003. An ordained Methodist minister, Bronson was also pastor of several Methodist churches. He is survived by his wife, Helen Williams Bronson; daughters Josephine and Flora; son Oswald; five grandsons; and three great-grandchildren. Photo courtesy the Daytona Beach News-Journal