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In Memoriam

In memoriam is a page to read featured obituaries of Northwestern alumni, faculty and staff. Visit Remembrances to read memorials of Northwestern community members submitted by their family or peers. Please send obituaries to

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David C. Horowitz

David C. Horowitz ’61 MS, Los Angeles, Feb. 14, 2019, at age 81. A consumer reporter, Horowitz hosted the Emmy-winning Fight Back! With David Horowitz, a syndicated program on which he investigated product defects, tested claims made by advertisers and confronted companies about customer complaints. He campaigned to remove sulfites from salad bars and to make rear-window collision-avoidance lights a requirement. Horowitz joined a campaign to outlaw realistic toy guns in California after being held hostage during a broadcast by a man with an empty BB gun. In 1997 Horowitz was inducted into the inaugural class of the Medill Hall of Achievement. He is survived by his wife, Suzanne; daughters Amanda and Tori; and two grandchildren. Photo courtesy of Northwestern University Archives

Anne Firor Scott

Anne Firor Scott ’44 MA, ’89 H, Feb. 5, 2019, Chapel Hill, N.C., at age 97. An influential historian, Scott opened up the field of women’s history with her groundbreaking book The Southern Lady: From Pedestal to Politics, 1830–1930 (1970). By examining letters, diaries and other primary sources, Scott demonstrated that, while society limited their power, Southern women found roles to fill in their communities and purpose in their everyday lives. Her other books explored women’s suffrage and the role of women’s associations. From 1961 until her retirement in 1991, Scott taught at Duke University, where she was the first woman to chair the history department. She received the National Humanities Medal in 2013. She is survived by daughter Rebecca; sons David and Donald; six grandchildren; and a great-grandson. Photo courtesy of Duke Photography/ Les Todd

Arti Hurria

Arti Hurria ’91, ’95 MD, Los Angeles, Nov. 7, 2018, age 48. A pioneer in the field of geriatric oncology, Hurria was the George Tsai Chair in Geriatric Oncology and director of the Center for Cancer and Aging at City of Hope in Duarte, Calif., where she worked closely with her mentor and former Northwestern professor Steven T. Rosen ’72, ’76 MD, ’79 GME, ’81 GME. Hurria, who co-led the Cancer Control and Population Sciences Program, sought to develop assessment tools to identify older individuals at risk for side effects of cancer treatment. She also developed personal relationships with patients. In a 2016 interview she told HemOnc Today, “Love your patients as much as you can. … They are in a vulnerable place, and kindness and compassion go such a long way.” Hurria, who focused her research on breast c­ancer, received multiple awards from the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The society endowed a young investigator award in her memory. A graduate of the Northwestern Honors Program in Medical Education, she is survived by her husband, Thomas Lee; and a daughter, Serena. Photo courtesy of City of Hope

Denise M. Stillman

Denise M. Stillman ’99 KSM, Nov. 7, 2018, at age 46. Mrs. Stillman enjoyed a two-decade career in marketing, during which she received the Public Relations Society of America’s MacEachern Award and numerous Silver and Gold Trumpets from the Publicity Club of Chicago. In 2012 she decided to leave that behind to start her own business, Go the Distance Baseball. With help from investors including Hall of Famer Wade Boggs and actor Matthew Perry, she purchased the 193-acre farm and baseball diamond used in Field of Dreams. Preserving the iconic field, surrounded by cornfields in Dyersville, Iowa, was just a small part of Mrs. Stillman’s dream to create a baseball mecca akin to Cooperstown in New York. Plans for All-Star Ballpark Heaven include team lodging and 24 baseball and softball diamonds. (See Denise Miarecki Stillman: Baseball Heaven.) Mrs. Stillman is survived by her husband, Tom Mietzel; a daughter, Claire; a son, John; and sisters Debra Vera and Abby Shelton. Photo by Dave Kettering/The Telegraph Herald in Dubuque, Iowa

Thomas H. Hooper

Thomas H. Hooper ’58 MA/MS, Grantville, Ga., Oct. 19, 2018, at age 85. As a news anchor and consumer watchdog for WITI-TV, Hooper earned the trust of the Milwaukee community. Hooper pioneered the “Contact 6” consumer protection segment, during which Hooper strived to solve problems that viewers sent in to the show. The station sometimes received hundreds of letters each week with viewer appeals for help. Hooper’s work led to changes in several Wisconsin laws, including statutes dealing with children who had been abused. Hooper was involved in Habitat for Humanity and the Make-A-Wish Foundation and hosted the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s annual telethon. In 2010, the Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Science gave Hooper a Wisconsin Silver Circle Award, which honors longtime TV personalities who have had an impact on their local community through television programs. Hooper is survived by his wife, Peggy; his two sons, Scott and Jay; and three grandchildren. Photo courtesy of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

William J. Froehlig

William J. “Bill” Froehlig ’50, ’65 MA/MS, Tallahassee, Fla., Sept. 29, 2018, age 92. For more than four decades, Froehlig — better known as “The Sandwichman” — wheeled his 100-pound cart, filled with nearly 20 different kinds of sandwiches, through the Evanston campus, providing late-night meals to hungry students. After serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II, Froehlig graduated from Northwestern. He used the money he earned from selling sandwiches to support his family and put himself through graduate school. However, after teaching math and science in Chicago for five years, Froehlig began selling sandwiches full time. He and his wife, Donna, spent up to five hours each day making the sandwiches that Froehlig, often accompanied by his German shepherd, Champ, would deliver, sometimes until 2 in the morning. He retired in 1988 and later moved to Tallahassee. In addition to his wife, Froehlig is survived by five children, John, Sally, Lisa, Jane and David; six grand­children; two great-grandchildren; and a brother, Richard.

Marcia Lipetz

Marcia Lipetz ’80 PhD, Evanston, Sept. 11, 2018, age 71. Known for her commitment to civil rights, Lipetz helped create and guide some of Chicago’s most important LGBTQ organizations. She served as the first full-time executive director of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago as the crisis unfolded in the 1980s and helped to establish the Center on Halstead, the largest LGBTQ social service agency in the Midwest. Lipetz also contributed to educational and outreach efforts related to HIV and co-chaired (with Fred Eychaner ’66) a local American Civil Liberties Union task force that led to the organization’s AIDS and Civil Liberties Project. She earned her doctorate in sociology from Northwestern and later taught at the University. In 2009 Lipetz was inducted into the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame. She is survived by her wife, Lynda Crawford, and a sister, Judith Graham. Photo by Hal Baim, courtesy of Windy City Times